September 4, 2012
Thursday July 19, 2012, the American oil giant Chevron declared that it was
in the process of purchasing oil interests in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region. In
specific, the super-major stated that it would acquire from India's Reliance
Industries Ltd. an 80 percent stake of two blocks (called Rovi and Sarta, with
the related operational control) located north of the city of Erbil within
Iraqi Kurdistan. The junior partner in the two blocks would be Austria's O.M.V.
(O.M.V. Rovi GmbH and O.M.V. Sarta GmbH). Unconfirmed sources spoke of a
$300 million deal.
A few
days later on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, the Ministry of Oil of Iraq released a
statement that explicitly stated that "Chevron is barred [banned] from any agreement or contract
with the federal ministry of oil and its companies ... unless it retreats from
the contract it signed in the Kurdistan region". The latter in
turn stated that all and any deals it had signed well complied with the country's
new constitution. In other words, Chevron was disqualified from doing business
in the central and southern part of Iraq, where it previously had prequalified
to bid. Chevron, when replying to the ministry's statement, explained that it had been
working in Iraq since 2003 and that it would be interested into participating to new businesses if these met its investment criteria. Moreover, at the time of reply,
Chevron had no stake to lose in southern Iraq as a consequence of this disqualification.
banning was the direct consequence of the long dispute between Iraq's federal
government in Baghdad and the Kurdish Regional
Government (K.R.G.) in Erbil in relation to the control of
Kurdish hydrocarbons production and the related consequent export from Iraqi Kurdistan. This current confrontation was — and still is today — well amplified by
the lack of legislation for the energy sector in Iraq.
Because of the current argument between Baghdad and Erbil, several major foreign oil
companies up to now have preferred to avoid buying or just being involved with
assets located in Iraqi Kurdistan and/or in the territory right now disputed
between Baghdad and Erbil. Certainly, signing directly with the K.R.G. a contract that could
be nullified by the central government is not the best way to conduct oil
operations in an already-difficult country like Iraq.
this spring, the only super-major operating in Iraqi Kurdistan had been
ExxonMobil, which in October 2011 declared that it was the first oil super-major
to purchase the rights for some oil fields within Kurdistan — in specific, the deal concerned six oil fields. Also in this case
the central government's subsequent move was to ban Exxon from any future oil and gas deal with Iraq. It should be noted that ExxonMobil was already running a very
giant oil project in southern Iraq.
was immediately clear was that the central government's opposition to the K.R.G. contracts would lose weight if another super-major started operating in
Kurdistan. In fact, already in the previous months of 2012, other foreign
big-oil companies seemed interested into working in Iraqi Kurdistan, notwithstanding
the fact of being consequently excluded from energy operations in central and southern Iraq. To
support this thesis, last spring's energy auction (Iraq's fourth energy auction, which included both oil and gas blocks) held
by the federal government for twelve blocks located in southern Iraq raised
very limited interest from foreign companies. In practice, only two blocks were
sold and not to the big companies.
Big-oil companies do consider the terms imposed by the Iraqi Oil
Ministry for investing in Iraq as excessively onerous with
reference both to payment terms and the revision of the original targets so as to
increase capacity. In practice, Erbil permits production sharing agreements (P.S.A.s) in its
oil fields, while Baghdad only signs simple fee-based service contracts.
Before Chevron's arrival, in Kurdistan were already working several small- and mid-sized oil and gas companies (among them, Norway's D.N.O. and Austria's O.M.V., which is partially owned
by Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC)). With no doubt, if
big players could really add to the minor oil and gas companies it would be a good
outcome for the local energy sector, which requires, especially in the initial
phases, imposing investments. So, the scarce attractiveness of Baghdad's
contracts pushed big-oil companies to be focused much more than in the past
on Iraqi Kurdistan. And a few days after Chevron's move, at the end of July, France's
Total followed suit in Iraqi Kurdistan buying a 35 percent stake in the Harir and
Safen blocks (covering an area of 705 square miles) from U.S. Marathon Oil Corp.
Until this summer, the K.R.G. had signed about 50 exploration contracts with
minor oil and gas companies (some of them are really wildcatters). And indeed
Baghdad considered all these deals to be illegal and already blacklisted
some companies that had negotiated with Kurdistan (one of these is U.S. Hess
Corp. which like ExxonMobil was excluded from Iraq's fourth energy auction).
Three months ago Iraq explicitly asked President Barak Obama to convince Exxon
not to explore in Kurdistan, signaling in this way the importance for Baghdad to
completely control its hydrocarbons sector.
On April 1, the K.R.G. stopped its oil export consisting of around 120,000 barrels
a day through a Baghdad-controlled pipeline from Kirkuk to the Turkish port of
Ceyhan. The reason behind this move was that the central government was
retarding the payment of approximately $1.5 billion to the contracting companies.
Later, on August 7, the K.R.G. restarted the oil shipments, but it clearly stated
that it would interrupt them one more time, if within one month there would be
no agreement on the payment that Baghdad should give to the contracting
companies. Lately, on Saturday September 1, according to Kurdish sources, the
K.R.G. extended the deadline until September 15 as a goodwill gesture. This move should permit
Baghdad to have more time in order to resolve the payment issue.
shipments from Kurdistan are around 120,000 barrels per day, although Baghdad
affirms that the amount should be 175,000 barrels per day (something less than
5 percent of Iraq's total production, which reached in August 2012, 3 million barrels per
day), which, in October 2011, were agreed upon for year 2012. Iraq between 2010 and
2012, as a consequence of the interruptions of the K.R.G. shipments lost some $8.5 billion and
according to Deputy Prime Minister Hussein al-Shahristani
of Iraq it would be correct if the government deducted this sum from the national
budget allocated to the K.R.G.
any case, it should be understood that presently Kurdistan does not have any
available shipping alternative to the Iraqi pipeline — trucking oil to Turkey or Iran is absolutely
not a 100 percent substitute — and that Kurdistan is
strongly dependent on the yearly budget allocation it receives from Baghdad. This allocation reached in 2012 almost $11 billion (It's about 17 percent of the whole Iraqi national
budget, although Erbil receives something less, probably just 13 percent, as a result
of deductions utilized to cover federal expenditures for a range of items of which the Kurdish region benefits like the rest of Iraq). But — and here lies the
problem for Baghdad — according to Ashti Hawrami, the natural resources minister of the K.R.G., Erbil wants to reach 1 million barrels per day by 2015. In reality, if Erbil
were able to produce just 400,000 barrels per day of oil and to export them
with a new Kurdish pipeline to Turkey, it could make $14.6 billion (considering
a $100 per barrel of oil ). This value is consistently superior to the budget
allocation Erbil receives now from Baghdad. In other words, economic
self-sufficiency could be a potent tool to lately declare independence from
Iraq. And of course, when Kurdistan and Turkey announced last May that they were
planning to build this direct pipeline (with one million barrels per day of
capacity) from the K.R.G. to Turkey by 2013 in this way bypassing Iraq, the
federal government instantly defined this plan as very hostile. Plus, toward
the end of July, Iraq accused Turkey and Kurdistan of doing illegal oil trade
on the basis that only Iraq's central government may export oil. And adding oil
to the fire, the visit of Turkey's foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, to Erbil on
August 2012 increased tension.
move indeed follows a protracted stand-off between Iraq’s federal government
and the K.R.G. over the control of oil production and exports from Kurdistan. It immediately seemed quite improbable that Baghdad could completely boycott
Kurdistan while at the same time its own energy auctions had reaped so scarce an
interest. According to Kurdish sources, Erbil would like to reach a production
of 2 million barrels a day by 2019 (the intermediate step will be 1 million
barrels a day by 2015 as pointed out by Mr. Hawrami ) from a current value of
only 300,000 barrels a day.
nine years have passed since that December 13, 2003 when President Saddam Hussein was captured by the U.S.
forces near Tikrit. Iraq, an OPEC member which owns the third
largest proven oil reserves in the world (143 billion barrels) does not
possess yet a binding hydrocarbon law, the so-called Iraqi Federal Oil and Gas Law
(FOGL). In fact, the 2007 draft law was immediately marred by political infighting among different factions. The current dispute between Erbil and
Baghdad is the direct consequence of their century-old struggle, and now, dangerously, hydrocarbons could buttress Iraqi Kurdistan's economic autonomy if not in
the future its independence.
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